May 8
Saturday morning (the 5th) I had a nice breakfast
with the family and Sophia and then caught a ride to Plaza Magdelena
with Mauro, Ilena and Sophia, who were going to the mercado to buy
veg for the week. I had decided to finally buy a new camera, since I
was pretty sure there would be tons of things at the Biotopo that I
would want photos of.
Cameras are frickin' expensive in
Guatemala! The poorest quality camera I could find was 700 Q (nearly
100 bucks!). I decided to buy something that was a little higher
quality but it still cost me a little more than 100 bucks, and it's
definitely poorer quality than the Fuji I lost/had stolen from me.
The zoom is lousy (hence the low price) but most of the pictures I
take are either landscapes, macros or portraits so I decided I could
afford to compromise on that point, and it took better pictures than
two other cameras that were more expensive, so I figure it's a pretty
good buy. It's a tiny Samsung and it's BRIGHT FUSCHIA- a color I
have started to love, in my adult life, so- yay!
I also decided to buy another phone, another item I managed to lose/have
stolen from me back in San Pedro la Laguna. I bought the cheapest
model- the same phone I had previously.
Finally made my way to the bus stop,
where I chatted for about 20 minutes with a sweet mayan guy selling
dulces (sweets) before catching a microbus to the Biotopo.
It was afternoon by the time I arrived
at the Biotopo and I didn't want to have to pay twice so I decided to
save the Biotopo for the morning and get settled in at Ranchitos del
Quetzal, a cute little place only a couple hundred meters up the road
(towards Coban) from the entrance to the Biotopo.
The owner there,
Julio, is a sweet guy and I spent several hours that evening speaking
(in Castellano) with him and two Japanese girls, Yukie and Yoko, who
are working for a Japanese organization similar to the Peace Corps
called Japanese Overseas Cooperation
Volunteers. Yukie is stationed in Chichimula, which is close to the
Honduran boarder, and Yoko is stationed in a
small village in San Marcos department! I told her how to get to
Mimy's café and shared my knowledge of all things San Marcos with
her. :o)
The view from the table near the café |
From left to right, Yukie, me, Julio and Yoko |
I set my alarm for 5:30 am in hopes of
seeing a Quetzal, however, I awoke at 6:30, never having heard my
alarm. This watch, which I bought in San Pedro la Laguna at the
mercado to replace the one those jerks in San Marcos la Laguna robbed
me of, definitely leaves something to be desired. The alarm noise is
pretty quiet, though I suspect that half of the time it doesn't
actually go off (but it randomly goes off on other mornings when I
haven't set it to go off!). Additionally, it also randomly decides
to reset the time so I can't really trust it to tell me an accurate
Anyway, it turned out that there were
no quetzals that morning, as I learned from Yukie and Yoko, who HAD
woken up early. I spent a couple of hours talking with them,
enjoying the morning and the coffee that Julio prepared for us. The
previous night I had told everyone that I would cook breakfast that
morning- scrambled eggs with onion and tomato, frijoles, half of an
avocado and a nice portion of fresh mango for each of us.
I learned that camping at the Biotopo
was only 20 Q, and although Julio's place was lovely, my room (the
cheapest one, without a bathroom) was 75 Q and I was curious to know
if I would be warm enough in my camping arrangement, which I had yet
to try out in my nearly 6 months (holy shit! I really have spent
almost 5 months JUST in Guatemala!) out of the US. So, I gathered my
things and made the move to the Biotopo. I met the manager of the
Biotopo, a nice guy named Jamie, and he allowed me to store some
stuff in his fridge while I was there, and I was able to leave my
backpack in the office while I hiked.
I spent several hours exploring the two trails in the Biotopo. It goes without saying that the
forest was beautiful; the only thing that made it a little difficult
to enjoy was the ridiculously persistent mosquitoes- every time I
stopped for even 5 seconds they were all around me. Pretty sure I
paid for each photo with at least one or two bites, as I am now
covered in itchy bites. My plan of eating mosquitoes seems to be working somewhat, as my bites weren't itchy until I moved to a warmer climate...
I returned from my hike at dusk,
grabbed my things and rushed to set up camp in the failing light,
eating my dinner in nearly completely dark conditions. Jaime had
invited me to his house to chat with him and two of the guards there
so I spent a couple hours with them; Jaime prepared a nice cup of
Italian coffee for me using this little contraption that looks like a
mini percolator, which basically makes a beverage that tastes like
very strong coffee, or weak espresso. Jaime was
full of stuff to say and spent much of the time he wasn't actively
talking correcting my Castellano, which I highly appreciate! Pretty
sure I could have become fluent in no time talking with him every
day! Other people correct me, of course, but Jaime spent time
explaining WHY what I said was wrong, or why something else was
better, which was really nice. Also, a lot of the time when I speak
with native Spanish speakers they try to anticipate what I am trying
to say and they don't give me time to think or get my conjugations
right; the minute I pause they start spitting out suggestions, which
just frustrates me and makes me make more mistakes as I rush to
conjugate before someone tells me how to do it or throws out a word
that is totally NOT what I am trying to say and just makes me lose my train of thought and take EVEN LONGER. Jaime didn't do this,
for which I am eternally grateful!
Returned to my hammock to read a bit
before calling it a night. I don't have a sleeping bag- just my thin
little sleeping bag liner, and it's colder sleeping in a hammock than
it is in a tent (because you have airflow all around you, though I DO
have a camp pad so that helps a lot) so I wore all three pairs of
pants that I own, both my long-sleeved shirts, two tank tops and my
thin little sweatshirt that I bought for 5 Q in the packa in San
Pedro la Laguna. All of this turned out to be totally unnecessary; I
wasn't hot but I was nowhere near cold and I'm pretty sure I would
have been fine with half the amount of clothes. One sad thing has happened though- apparently there is a hole in my camp pad because it was un-inflated in the morning. It's fine in the hammock but this means sleeping on a hard floor is going to be decidedly less comfortable.
In the morning I gathered my things and got on the bus for Guatemala City not
sure exactly where I was headed but just knowing I wanted to at least
travel to El Rancho, where the bus then headed west for the capital.
While on the bus I read my Lonely Planet Guatemala and found
something I had previously circled in the town of Estanzuela, a
largely unremarkable place that has only a small paragraph in my
guidebook. The thing that had caught my eye is that there is a museum of archeology, geology and paleontology here, which includes
several nearly complete skeletons of very large animals! Yay!
Though my guidebook didn't say anything
about hotels I found a place to stay easily enough- it's the only
hotel in town and it's only about two blocks from the street where
the microbuses arrive and depart, which is really nice because it's
so frickin' hot here! The idea of leaving later today after I visit
the museum and it's even hotter is something that sounds so awful
that I think I might stay longer if it was any more than two blocks!
The hotel isn't super fancy and at 60 Q
it's one of the more expensive places I've stayed in Guatemala. I'm
not sure when the last time my bathroom was cleaned, however, my bed
is comfortable, there is a pool (yay! I think I would be dead of
heat stroke already if not for it!), I have a private bath, a TV and
a fan (also helps me not die of heat stroke!) and the owners are
super sweet. Also, the coffee is very reasonably priced (2.5
Q per cup) and they have refilled my water bottle for free several
That's all for now- off to the museum!
Later the same day...
The museum was pretty cool, though
anyone who has been to anyplace like OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science
and Industry) wouldn't likely be too impressed. It was fun to take my time reading the explanations, which were, of course, in Castellano. I am feeling increasingly confident and pleased with my level of understanding, a welcome change from the months of frustration!
I've seen mammoth skeletons before but I had never seen (that I recall) skeletons of either giant land sloths or any whales that I can remember so that was pretty cool. There was also an extensive collection of mayan artifacts. And, it was FREE! That makes up for the exorbitant internet prices here (7- 8 Q per hour, and apparently more for shorter times as I paid 3 Q for less than 15 minutes earlier today!).
I've seen mammoth skeletons before but I had never seen (that I recall) skeletons of either giant land sloths or any whales that I can remember so that was pretty cool. There was also an extensive collection of mayan artifacts. And, it was FREE! That makes up for the exorbitant internet prices here (7- 8 Q per hour, and apparently more for shorter times as I paid 3 Q for less than 15 minutes earlier today!).
Funeral urn, found with these two human skulls inside. |
Teeny tiny little jars! |
After reading a little more in my Lonely Planet Guatemala I decided to go to Ipala, a tiny town south of Chiquimula that apparently has little to interest the average tourist except for its proximity to Volcán de Ipala, which sounds amazing according to my guidebook. Apparently there is a lake in the caldera of the volcano that is about 1 km around (not sure if they mean diameter or circumference- it looks too big in the google satellite view to only be in circumference...) AND there is a campsite on the shores of the lake. How cool does THAT sound!? Totally my cup of tea.
Here's a link to an arial photo:
Here's a link to an arial photo:
It only cost 11 Q to get to Ipala (5 from Estanzuela to Chiquimula and 6 on to Ipala) and I
was soon walking the streets looking for a place to stay. I asked
several people where was the cheapest place to stay and found my way
to a little hospedaje (like a hotel but poorer quality)
where the owners rented 5 or so rooms in the back of their house.
Everything looked ok (to me... most other people would probably
disagree...) until I pulled up the sheets to check for bed bugs and
found suspicious dots on the mattress. Also about that time, no less
than 10 mosquitoes began swarming around my legs.
I made a speedy exit, lying to the lady
(who was super sweet- I couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth
about why I was leaving!) and saying that I'd received a text from a
friend and was going to stay with her! I'm now at Hotel Peña, which
is lovely. I'm paying 20 Q more a night than I would have in the
other place but there is no evidence of bed bugs, I have a private
bath, TV and a fan and my room is very cute. The lady who checked me
in said it would be no problem to leave my things there tomorrow
while I go to the volcano, and overnight if I decide to camp.
I bought some tacos from one of the carts for dinner- 3 for 12 Q and they were delicious! Also treated myself to an
ice cream cone, which was very refreshing as it's still
probably 80 degrees or hotter (and it's now nearly midnight!).
Chilled for a bit in my room watching
TV, making it a point to find shows in English but with Spanish
subtitles. Packed my backpack (everyone I've talked to has told me
it's safe and I don't feel like making an ascent of over 1000 meters
using anything besides my backpack to carry stuff!) with everything I
will need to camp, so I'm all ready to go for the morning. I'm
pretty sure I will end up camping since the elevation is about the
same as that of the lake, and though it did get a little chilly there
at night I think I should be fine with the same set up I had in the
Biotopo... I hope! :o) After all this heat the cold will be
welcome, at any rate...
May 11
First of all, how the hell is it May
11th already!? I arrived in Guatemala the 11th
of December. I can't believe I've spent 5 months here!
Ilapa Volcano was awesome. So awesome that
there's not a word to describe it. Unfortunately, getting there was
not so awesome!
My first stop after waking was the
mercado a block from the hotel, to grab some coffee and breakfast-
some type of rolled up, fried tortillas that I think had potatoes
inside (?) with tomato sauce and crumbles of queso tipico (the
traditional cheese here in Guatemala). I have been looking for a
camping mug (like I have back home but didn't think I would want!)
and I found one without even trying, at the stall near where I ate
breakfast. Yay!
Multiple missions accomplished, I
grabbed my pack and headed for the volcano. It was only about a 10
minute microbus ride to the trailhead, or rather, the road that led
to the trailhead. Even though it was early it was already pretty hot so I
was eager to get started. However, just as I was starting up the
road some guy who had also gotten off of the bus started talking to
me and told me that the road was dangerous and it would be better for
me to go into Agua Blanca (the next town down the road) and catch
another bus, which went (supposedly) a different way and terminated
halfway up the volcano. I hadn't heard anything about it being
dangerous anywhere near here but I wasn't really eager to be robbed
again so I decided to take his advice and jumped on another shuttle
(meaning I payed for the voyage twice!) for Agua Blanca.
In Agua Blanca I bought a liquado and
asked around a bit, got on a shuttle that was supposedly going where
I wanted to go, realized about 2 km from Agua Blanca that I was going
the wrong direction and the shuttle was NOT going to the volcano, got
out and had to walk the 2 km back to Agua Blanca, asked around some
more, got some help from the girl at the liquado stand, bought
another liquado, and got on another shuttle, this one arranged by the
girl in the liquado stand. Long story short, I don't think that guy
knew what he was talking about, as we returned to the same place where I had encountered the “helpful” guy, except it was now two hours later and this
time I was on a private frickin' shuttle, meaning that when we
arrived at the trailhead (midway) they wanted 75 Q! I said I hoped
they were joking because I didn't have that and they told me 50,
which I also didn't have! So, they let me go without paying anything
but I told them I would try to find them in the terminal in Ipala so
hopefully I can find them- not that I WANT to pay 50 Q but I'm sure
it did actually cost somewhat close to that, since I was basically
the only person and they drove at least 10 miles for me. Also, turns
out that the road isn't dangerous at all, except for the fact that
it's not super wide so you could potentially get run over, except
that there are basically NO cars on the road. So. Not dangerous at
all. Thanks, “helpful” guy! He was probably friends with one of
the shuttle drivers and this is some creative way to milk more money
out of people- Cost of my voyage to Ilapa: 60 Q (assuming I can find
those guys tomorrow). What my voyage SHOULD have cost: 3 Q (found out later that it's only 3 Q to the halfway point, though the first people charged me the full cost of the voyage from Ipala to Agua Blanca).
By this time it was like 12:30 so I got
to make the climb in the heat of the day- awesome.
However, it was so worth it! The lake is
absolutely beautiful and for most of the time I was there I had it
all to myself. There were maybe 10 or 15 little places where you
could camp and have a fire, and some places had picnic tables, though
I passed those up for the seclusion of the other side of the
campground, where there was really only one good place for camping.
My site was up the hill from the lake and I had an amazing view, and
I often had horses, mules, cattle or chickens grazing somewhere
nearby. One of the neighborhood dogs hung out with me nearly the
whole time I was there, probably hoping I would feed him if he was
patient enough. I had only planned to stay one night but ended up
deciding to stay a second night because it was so great I couldn't
imagine leaving (especially returning to the heat of Ipala!).
Close up of my campsite |
My campsite from a little further away- the lake is to the right about 20 feet or so outside of the picture. You can just barely see my campsite in the trees on the far left. |
![]() |
View from my campsite! Colors are true in this photo (not sure what happened in the previous two...) |
Thanks to this useful tool I have learned that I'm not quite as cool as I thought I was- apparently I only swam about 1.3 km.
Set up my campsite and spent some time
just chillin', doing a little crafty stuff (current projects: cases
for both my knife and my camera, and a smaller passport holder
because the one I have is awesome [thanks Irina!] but it's much larger
than it needs to be so it's not super comfortable, and it's more
obvious than I would like it to be), then hiked up to the mirador
(viewpoint) to catch the sunset. It wasn't as good of a spot as I
had hoped so I ended up hiking another ½ km or so around the side of
the volcano (possibly on private property?) to get a better view.
The sunset wasn't great but it was
better than it looks in the photos I took. Turns out that my camera
doesn't take the best sunset (and sunrise) photos, which is sad
because I love sunsets (and sunrises, if I can get my ass out of bed
in time for them)!
One of the guides had invited me to
join them in their kitchen/hang out area for a cup of coffee that
evening, so I spent a couple of hours chatting with four of the
guards (Mario, Manuel, Francisco and Adrian), returned to my campsite
for another cup of coffee and then called it a pretty early night
(10:30 or so).
From left to right, Manuel, Francisco, Mario, me and Adrian |
I wasn't cold at all Amazingly, I woke before my alarm, at
about 5:10. I could just see some pink skies outside of my hammock
so I again hiked to the mirador! Beautiful!
![]() |
As I was getting ready to make coffee back in my campsite one of the guards came over and invited me to have coffee with them again, an invitation which I gladly accepted!
After chatting over coffee for an hour or so I spent most of the day being crafty,
finishing the knife case and getting a start on the camera case.
The next day my alarm woke me at 5:15 but there was
a lot of fog/low clouds so I decided to stay in my hammock! I regained consciousness again at 7:30 and started making a fire
for my coffee, only to have Francisco come over and help me make it.
I appreciate the sentiment but what is it about people that makes them think
they should mess with how another person makes a fire!? I HATE it
when someone tries to “help” me make a fire! I can make my own
frickin' fire, damnit!
Some small animal left a present on my bench! |
Same materials as the knife case- fake suede from the packa coat and plastic bottle remnants for form. |
Life was pretty tranquil at the lake
until a horde of people descended on it around 11:00 this morning.
Turned out they were doing some sort of training or camp for PE
teachers. The guards told me there were 150 people! It was crazy.
I'm sure Sophia would have been all sorts of excited about it, given
her love for watching futbol here, but I was NOT all about it!
Just a little side note, something that
is very different here than in the US is that people think nothing of
wandering RIGHT through your campsite, and they often stop to have a
chat (which sometimes lasts like 15 or 20 minutes)! The guards were
awesome but I did get to the point where I was like “leave me
alone!” (in my head of course) because every one of them ended up
coming over at least once every day for at least a 10-20 minute chat!
Made my soup for lunch, which took me a
ridiculous amount of time because my cup is really small but actually ended up being amazingly tasty!
It also ended up making enough for about 4 people so I gave the leftovers to the guards.
In the process of making soup |
I am pretty sure I will come back to
the lake sometime in my life. It was pretty lovely and tranquil
there and the guards told me that there's hardly ever anyone there
during the week; it's only on the weekends that people camp there.
Also, there's a cabin near the guardhouse that you can rent out for
200 Q no matter how many people there are! My favorite things: the teenage boy who watered his cattle every morning
throwing rocks off the dock for his german shepherd, opening the door
to the bathroom this morning and coming face to face with a frog, how perfect the water was and how accomplished I felt for something so simple as swimming across the lake, laying in my hammock in the mornings listening to the world come alive outside, the solitude I
enjoyed almost the entire time I was there!
The trip down the volcano was a bit
rushed because one of the guards had told me that the buses didn't
run very often after 4:30 so I made the descent (all the way to the
road this time) in 40 minutes, jogging the last km or so. I was glad
that I had jogged, as a microbus stopped not much more than a minute
after I arrived at the main road.
Back in Ipala I skipped dinner in favor
of over-indulging on ice cream! Discovered another favorite food-
the chocolate-dipped coconut ice cream bars sold at the internet
place down the street. Sad thing- they are closed for the weekend!
I'm finally headed into Honduras tomorrow! I'm a little sad to be leaving Guatemala but I know I'll be back here at some point in my life and I'm excited to see if I'll like Honduras as much as I like Guatemala!
You have add very heart shaking images in blog.
ReplyDeleteVolunteer travel
I think this camera takes fine pictures! What a sweet place to camp. Your hammock might make me claustrophobic, but it's got to be better than sleeping on the ground.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the campsite was pretty awesome. :o) And yes, the hammock (with the mosquito net over it, at least!) IS a little claustrophobia-inducing! I think it probably looks like it's giving birth to me when I get out of it! :D